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Bexley FC Support African Football

Bexley FC’s continued support in Africa

The following report has been sent to us by Julie James who works tirelessly with charities in Africa. She has recently returned from Ghana and sent some photographs of the children in their kit which was donated by Bexley FC.
“Kumbungu” is a large Mud Hut village in Northern Ghana. The charity I work with have done a lot of work in the area and it’s where the football team are based. We decided to give all of the kit to them as there are many men who want to play football. They were absolutely thrilled with it all. They told us they have had to share kit as they didn’t have their own and could only play in matches when the other team wasn’t playing. The chief has given them some land to use as a pitch so they are very happy. (They did say they now need goals, nets and subs to join the league !! )

Kumbungu is a lovely place. The people although poor, are very happy, friendly and welcoming. It is a real mud hut community – no electricity, no running water etc. and can be very hot and dusty. ( Up to 50 C on our visit in March.) We are told the village is proud to have us white people stay with them as Westerners usually stay in hotels in towns and not in mud huts. We always have a great time when we visit.

Thank you again on behalf of Kumbungu Football Team.

Julie James
Baobab Jungle

Bexley FC Supports Overseas Charity

The old Bexley FC kits are donated to a charity supporting a village called Pugyango in Northern Burkina Faso. It’s a very poor part of the world and in fact they have recently lost all of their crops in the floods. They will be facing famine in the coming months! They are a farming community and are subsistance farmers. It’s quite a large village spread over a huge area about 1,000 people live there. They are Mossi tribe. Only about a third of the children go to school as they have only one small building and the government will not supply teachers without a proper school building! Also the children have to supply their own books and pens so if they can’t afford them they can’t attend.

It was great to receive these photographs and a heart warming thank you from the children.

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